Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The men are chillin'

I want to start off by saying that the article (for once) was enthralling. I was most interested in the chapter about women's sexual liberation. Although she focused primarily on the right to an abortion, I thought she left out a critical part in the struggle for sexual liberation. The males' role in it.
Men were always able to do what they want sexually. It was not scandalous for men to go out and have multiple partners and sex before marriage. Isn't this where we get the saying: "boys will be boys"? Yet, women were suppose to hold on to their virtue and wait til marriage. While this theory might be gone today, we have a double standard as to what men are able to get away with and what women are.
The difference is what males think. Men still control the world and the thought process of society. Sure, women can now go out and have sex with whoever they want, but there's a title for those permiscuous women. Whereas men get savvy titles such as womenizers, players... something that boys and foolish men actually aspire to become.
When men start to realize (never going to happen) that they can't do something and expect women not to do it too, only then will we be able to move forward from this double standard. But why would they do that when they are living the good life??

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